Getting Started-Blog and Garden!
Valentines Day 2007
Well, here we go then, me with a blog. The kids will be well impressed!
Am hoping to use it as a diary, to record what I have done in the garden and up at the allotment, and when and why. Successes and failures.(plenty of the later I am sure!)
Seems easier to do it on the
puter than keeping handwritten notes, which I always start.........but get too busy to finish!
Have just moved house,
HORRAH! Well when I say "just" I mean August last year. It needed total renovation.
New kitchen, bathroom, smell of dog pooh everywhere so new carpets, total redecoration, bricking up hatches, knocking down stud walls, etc. etc! Luckily we were living with my Mum, cos the smell took weeks to clear! We finally moved in I think it was October and then my thoughts turned to the garden.
Luckily (she says!) it was a bit of a blank canvas In the back, one huge cherry tree, 3 big
skimmias, and a large
rhododendron, the rest, on the right, was a mix of stinging nettles, (where I presume there had once been a
vegey patch)the most enormous rhubarb clump,(now been sent to many
allotment4all members) and a lawn, well I use that term loosely, not been cut in so long, when my sister kindly
strimmed it we were left with straw n mud!

A patio at the front.

The front garden was a bit if a disaster too, marestail (GRRRRRRRRR) everywhere, and a few uncared for shrubs. I can see where there once were flower borders, so am following that line as I get to grips with diggin up the brambles, weeds etc.
But on the PLUS side, at the side of the house there is a peach tree, and the peaches we got off it were fabulous!!
So now the house was decorated, what to do with the garden, on the cheap!
Now I do like lawns, but, would rather look at flowers, and lets face it, lawns need mowing, and that would have been another job for me, would rather spend the time up the lottie or weeding.
So first plan of action was to remove the lower lawn, I compromised on the one around the cherry tree, cos the OH wanted "somewhere that has grass", and the girls needed the grass for their guinea pigs to munch on in the summer.(Sadly now down to one as Cinnamon left this realm a few weeks back.)
So armed with old pallets, an electric jigsaw and a hammer I started creating edging for the proposed beds.

These I have decided to do as lasagna beds. Packing case cardboard over the lawn, then a layer of leaves, then a layer of compost, layer of manure and topped up with the soil or should I say, clay from the pond. (more on the pond later) These will be topped up over the year hopefully, with more compost and manure to be dictated by finances!
Am really pleased with how it is beginning to look, plants I had dug up from our old house are starting to go in, and I bagged a few bargains at our local nusery and Homebase too. Have stopped visiting garden centers etc. now though, just FAR too tempting when you have a blank canvas!
Then I decided in January what I really needed was a pond again. My poor fish that moved house with us, are swimming around in an old water tank at my Mum's, and that must be sooooo boring, plus I love to encourage the wildlife into the garden as I try to be as organic as possible. (though looking at the marestail in the front I may have to change my ideas!)
So on the 20
th of January wonderful friends of our arrived, armed with wellies and spades, and
enthusiam,(not to mention a few cups of tea and beer and wine in
the evening.......well it helps the aches n pains!)) and by the end of the day a hole in the ground was dug, and my beds had mounds of clay all over them! I was so excited, had to do a happy dance!

Of course had to order the liner and underlay, (didn't go for the
butyl this time as it was twice the price and I figured with a 40 year
guarantee it would outlive me!) and the day it arrived, had to be one of the windiest in ages, had to get my poor Mum to stand on it whilst I placed rocks, planters buckets of mud etc on it to keep it in place.
Then the filling, well it took several hours, and of course as life goes was not the easiest job, hook up the hose and off we go............nope, my hose end did not match the new tap, so after trying binding it up and getting soaked a trip to focus for new attachments had to happen, so by the time I was filling it was getting dark, releasing the buckets etc. the let the liner slide in gently in the near dark was exciting, especially when I nearly fell in, so had to call it a day!

Next morning woke up to SNOW! I couldn't believe it, but at least the garden looked good, not the building site that I had left the evening before!
Since then I have had another great mate stay from overseas, whilst the boys were down the pub, she and I tackled moving more soil, leveling out the area that will eventually become a deck area, and covering it with leftover pond underlay, to hopefully keep the weeds suppressed, and building a bog garden at the edge of the pond/lake.
Over the following days the liner got buried, and the edges raised or lowered where needed, and the beach end (shallow to let any mammals that may fall in climb out, or drunken visitors???) got a few bags of shingle.

The stepping slabs on the pathway got moved and the spaces filled with more shingle, and cobbles to give a more natural (hopefully) effect.
Picked up the last of my "big" plants from various people that had been babysitting them until we moved and got the garden started, so have plonked my cabbage palm by the pond, and put my bamboo, in its pot to restrict its rambling ways, at the back of the pond.
The bog garden has a couple of my astilbes thrown in, I am assuming that is what they are because of course I didn't label anything when we moved and they are not showing any growth yet! I also have a carex that cardinalflower from A4All sent me, and will be re potting my Mum's gunnera soon, a piece of which will join the bog.
Yesterday I decided HAD to be lottie morning.
Have not been up to my allotment since at least November so I was fearing the worst, especially as it has been so mild.
But actually I was pleasantly surprised, apart from the little box thing I have to store my bits n bobs being blown over by the high winds, everything else was
deal able with.

So glad I managed to get some of the beds manured and covered in tarps back in October, has saved me a lot of work.
The weeds hadn't taken too much of a hold, and I even managed to come back with bag fulls of harvest, which is very welcome.
Leeks, Swede, Parsnips,
Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage (amazed as I have such bad
club root, that liming helped), Chard Bright Lights, all the usual fodder for this time of the year.

The pigeons had decimated the tops of my brussels, and I actually disturbed them munching away when I went up, flipping cheek!
So spent a lovely morning digging a few beds over, gathering compost which got bought back to the house for the garden beds, pulling down my old Runner Bean stems, cutting back dead flower stalks etc. etc.

Saw 3 ladybirds, bit early I thought, and disturbed a frog in my pond up there, no moving that for a while then!