What a start to the Spring, or is it still Winter?
The weather has been so great have got a lot accomplished, seeds sown, broadies planted on the plot, and a decking in the garden! That was totally unexpected but a friend turned up with loads of wood for us, and we figured if it only lasts a year, it will do us a great turn as a deck.
So OH and his sister who is visiting from overseas, set too, and £14.00 later for some breeze blocks, we have decking by the pond........really really pleased with it, it looks great and will look even better when it has been planted around the edges.

Dragged poor sister in law up to the plot, gave her the project of building a frame for my tomato plant protection. Now have to get the clear plastic to cover it and it will hopefully grow some lovely tommies in the summer.
Talking of tommies, the seeds are up already, hope I haven't been too keen and I can keep them alive until they can go outside!
Had a huge sowing day last week, did my Aubergines, Tomatoes, Spinach, to name a few.
Some are in the plastic greenhouse, and the more tender ones are on the spare room windowsill!
Snow is predicted for next week, so there will be a mad covering up of stuff tomorrow. Hopefully it will all survive.
Was my birthday earlier on the month, (Happy Birthday to me!) and got given loads of small plants from Morrisons from people, 2 passionflowers, 2 clematis, a honeysuckle and a pink centered jasmin, holding off planting them out until the snow threat has gone! (well apart from the poor passionflower that got put out last week.)
Have nearly finished emptying all the pots of the stuff I bought with us from the old house, HORRAH! Trouble is the non labelling is proving to be a problem, but could be interesting too.
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