Well after having near tropical conditions, it figures the rain had to put in an appearance again! And it was VERY welcome, but not for quite so long as it lasted!!!
Went up the plot and was sad but not too surprised to see my tomato frame got a bit damaged in the high winds. Didn't have time to sort it out, but will hopefully be back up this week to tidy it up a bit and get the plastic re attached.
All the french beans and beetroot seedlings I planted a week ago have gone! SO annoyed, the rotten slugs carried them off. So looks like organic is out this year when putting new stuff in, and a feed of blue pellets for my pesky friends!
Was going to spend today potting on stuff after getting compost yesterday, but my dear OH has toddled off to work this morning with it still in the back of the car! Grrrrrrrrrrrr
The garden is starting to come together, the ornamental cherry got a good prune yesterday which should let more light into the OH's bit of garden, now called the municipal garden as it is full of bedding plants and looks like something you would see on the promenade at Eastbourne!
Hopefully we haven't killed the tree, but it was so huge it had to be done.
A trip to the nursery during the week means I have started to fill some pots and baskets. Not going to do too many this year in case we have yet another hosepipe ban, with no water butt yet,lugging watering cans around is such a pain.(especially on the elbows!!)
Saw a squirrel again in the garden this morning, he/she is after the bird food. You should hear the robins that are nesting in our hedge complain at it. I have the hose on standby and squirt it every time I see it, definitely not welcome in my garden.
It is so nice to see stuff coming up, still loads more plants and shrubs wanted in certain areas, but am very pleased, especially around the pond area,
which is beginning to look as if it has been like it for years, not just months!
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