Time to get sowing more seeds for the plot, horrrah!
Being the weather was so fab, I placed myself on the decking, surrounded by pots and compost and my seed box and set to.
Got all the squashes in, including my courgettes, runner beans of various varieties, Emergo and White Lady being 2 that spring to mind! Put in some Purple Tepee french beans, and got 3 different types of sweetcorn into rootrainers, one being Mini Pop which we love raw, have started them all off in the plastic greenhouse, which is now looking decidedly chokka block!
Using the ever adaptable pallet, I put it on bricks and moved some of the stuff from inside onto it at the back of the mini greenhouse, hoping the slugs won't notice it!!
Planted out in the garden some of the lettuces started a while back, and because the weather has been so dry, OH gave everything a good soaking with the hose.
Am pleased with the way the bog/pond area is looking. The Gunnera a bit taken off Mum's plant, has a flower and some nice looking leaves. The hosta and astilbe bought from the other garden, look as if they have been there for years, and everything else is shooting into life!
The fish are attacking the tadpoles, poor things, luckily there are a few hidey holes for them, so hopefully some will survive, they are hungry devils, and are feeding daily on the fishfood, bit like a feeding frenzy when I chuck it in.
The cherry tree has finally come into full blossom and is spectacular, now we at last know what it looks like, and I am thrilled it is one of the frilly double types, I haven't told it it will loose a large limb soon though!

Herb garden is coming along, now has mint, fennel, chives, parsley, rosemary, 2 different types of thyme and sage in it. Threw in some corriander and cumin seeds yesterday, so hoping I haven't done it too early. Also transplanted some tiny lovage seeds in.
Just need to get a bay in, and hope the basil seeds I put in yesterday in a pot come up, and that we don't have a frost!
Helped our neighbour move his shed this weekend, and were rewarded with 2 huge bits of sandstone which are now in situ as "features" around the pond.
I have noticed that the dreaded marestail is beginning to put in an appearance in the front garden, argghhhhh, not looking forward to that battle, I may break all my rules and spray with weedkiller, there is so much of it if I remember correctly, I would be here till the end of time trying to hand weed it out!
The peach tree on the side is blossoming away nicely, and I keep forgetting to check the plum, must start training it into a fan to keep on top of it and make it more productive, means putting in vine eyes and running wires, I keep reading up on it, but haven't had the nerve to start on it yet.
Hopefully up the allotment this week, need to get the beds sorted ready for all the goodies I plan to plant!
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