Got my banana into the ground, in the "tropical" area, also put the cannas in and a few more plants. So nice to not be looking at all this stuff in pots, and so very glad I took the effort to bring them with us. Am trying bit by bit to get them into the ground, 'cos I didn't label them, duh me, it could be interesting to see what comes up where, amazing how at this time of the year everything coming up looks the same.
I have started sowing seeds! It is so exciting to be putting things into earth again!
Started on a variety of flowers, with the garden being so naked, thought I had better get some colour going.
Moved the sweet peas out to the newly erected plastic Greenhouse.
This weekend, 24th and 25th the weather was so bad more seed sowing was in order! Have now started on the vegetable side, got to get that allotment producing more than we can eat this year. So sowed, Leeks (4 various types), Aubergines and some tomatoes, got loads more tommies to sow, have decided that I would like to get a glut of these this year, so I can freeze them and use them in spag bol etc. throughout the year. It is just a matter of whether they ripen before the dreaded blight hits.
We have frogspawn in the pond! So much earlier this year than last, saw it on the 22nd. I have to say I did lend a helping hand, whilst faffing around putting up the greenhouse I found 2 amorous frogs at the back of the garden. He was hanging on to her for grim death, and she looked worn out! So with a bucket she got a helping hand into the pond. Thought I would save her froggy legs! Well they rewarded me by leaving a lovely pile of spawn. Got another load from my neighbour who had dug a trench, which had filled with water in this rainy weather, and they had laid there, bless! So that is now in the lake too.
Today is the 1st March. Sunny intervals, and bitterly cold wind.
Have spent the morning putting more stuff from pots into the ground, ........should have labelled them!
Still more pots to empty, but I feel as if I have made good progress.
Sister delivered my Birthday present early, hurrah! 4 bags of compost for my soil, and a bag of cobbles for around the pond...................I should write a list every year! So 3 bags are already on the soil, which helps it look better, it hides the claggy clay.
OH and neighbour cut down the boundary laurel hedge this week, the nice neighbour wants to put in fence panels, so have saved the wire that was already here as a sort of boundary hedge, and will putting it up against the panels to grow some climbers. He now has to get the stumps out, which looks like a challenge.
Sold some stuff on E-bay, so am ever hopeful that we can afford the decking this year, only trouble is car failed it's MOT this morning(£50) and the repairs cost £72. Sod's law really I suppose! Oh and the tax is due on it. I am sure it would be cheaper to keep a horse! (and think of all that free manure too!)
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